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Orthodontist Cologne: Orthodontics in your vicinity

Orthodontist Dr. med. Koniaris and his team are conveniently situated at two separate locations in Cologne – in Porz and in Junkersdorf. Both locations offer the complete range of orthodontic treatments for children and adults. Call us for an appointment to discuss how best we can help you.

Es kann immer mal etwas passieren

Office Cologne Junkersdorf

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 – 12:00
13:30 – 18:00

Wednesday 8:30 – 12:00
13:30 – 18:00

Friday 8:30 – 12:00
13:00 – 16:00

Office Cologne Porz

Monday to Thursday 8:00 – 12:00
13:30 – 18:00

Friday 8:00 – 12:00
13:00 – 15:30

Kieferorthopäde Köln: Erwachsenenbehandlung - Businesszahnspange
Tooth Correction for Adults

It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can have beautiful teeth. That’s why today, not only kids, but also more and more adults are opting to have crowded or crooked teeth corrected by orthodontic treatment. If you need advice about your oral and dental health, we’re here to advise you and work with you to determine the best treatment method for you. Dr. Koniaris and his orthodontic team in Porz and Junkersdorf have years of experience and assure you of treatment tailored precisely to your specific needs: You can choose from a wide range of correctional methods such as ceramic brackets, transparent rails, lingual technology or mini implants. Whatever you opt for, we’ll help you find the solution that’s best for you, and that offers the best results. And if you’re shy about wearing braces, well, there’s absolutely no need to be. With removable, near-invisible aligners we offer a very discreet method of teeth correction with Invisalign®.

Invisalign 3d-scanner
Modern 3D Scanners

For some people, the classic method of taking dental impressions can be an unpleasant experience. That’s why in our clinic, we use state of the art 3D digital treatment technology planning tools that cut out the unpleasantness. Our iTero® Element™ 3D scanner does away with the unpopular alginate mold taking method and immediately transfers the data to the ClinCheck for digital treatment planning. The three-dimensional representation of teeth and jaws can be perfectly analyzed in the 3D simulation and the information flows directly into the treatment process, saving a lot of time. An added advantage is that you can immediately see what your teeth will look like at the end of the treatment. That’s because the Invisalign® Results Simulator on the iTero® Scanner can show you your future beautiful smile.

Kieferorthopäde Köln: Unsichtbare Zahnspange - Invisible Aligner
Invisible Braces

Shy or embarrassed about wearing braces? There’s absolutely no need to be. We’ve got the perfect solution! The secret to a perfect smile is called Invisalign®. Invisalign’s® transparent and removable aligners provide optimal results in the repositioning of teeth. And since the Invisalign® aligners are almost invisible, they’re the perfect "braces" for adults. Using a series of custom-made clear plastic aligners, step by step we will bring your teeth into the perfect position for that perfect smile. What’s great about this method is that if the occasion demands, you can also remove your aligners temporarily without affecting treatment. For teenagers, we offer tooth correction with "Invisalign® Teen". Whichever Invisalign® you chose, you can be sure of one thing: beautiful teeth.

Kieferorthopäde Köln: Clear Brackets - Keramikbrackets
Almost invisible: Mini Brackets

Some misaligned teeth require the use of fixed braces. These multi-band devices work by applying continuous pressure over a period of time to slowly straighten the teeth. Here too, our priorities are wearing comfort, discretion and the best possible results. That's why we use almost invisible, light-white ceramic brackets, clear brackets and rhodium-plated brackets, all of which are very inconspicuous and provide a particularly gentle method of correcting the teeth. The brackets are glued directly onto the teeth and tiny elastic rubber bands, called ligatures, hold the arch wires to the brackets.


Take a minute to try out your new smile!

The Invisalign ® SmileView App shows you what your new smile could look like after your orthodontic treatment with Invisalign ®leaves you with beautifully aligned teeth. And it only takes 60 seconds to try it out. If you’re happy with what you see, take the next step and contact us for a first consultation.

Scan the QR code with the camera on your mobile phone. This takes you straight to the SmileView website, where you can view your new smile. Or simply click on the link below or on the picture on the right.
Kieferorthopäde Köln

Your orthodontist in Cologne Junkersdorf and Porz

Our mission: Your smile. Dr. Koniaris’ orthodontic clinic offers you the entire spectrum of treatments available for adults and adolescents. With Invisalign® & Invisalign Teen® for example, tooth correction is an almost invisible procedure, even if you have an overcrowded jaw. Gone are the days when teeth had to be extracted to make room. Invisalign First® is the treatment of choice for early treatment of children. It doesn’t impair their speech and it gives these younger patients the same premium orthodontic experience as teens and adults.

Orthodontist Dr. Koniaris and his team in Cologne offer modern, almost invisible treatments at a competitive price. Come in for a personal consultation. Our friendly, professional, multilingual team will be pleased to show you all the different possibilities available to bring out your best smile. Find out more right here on our website before visiting our clinic. That way, you can come to us armed with all your questions. You’ll receive expert advice on the best orthodontic treatment for you or your children. Benefit from our expertise in adult tooth correction, braces for teenagers and early treatment for children.

Orthodontist Cologne: Our services

Invisible Braces

A large number of dental deformities can be inconspicuously corrected with the help of removable braces.

Braces for Adults

Perfect teeth are not a given. But everyone can have a straight set of teeth and a perfect smile, even adults.

Braces & Business

Straight teeth and a healthy smile are an asset in today’s corporate world. Luckily, teeth can be corrected so inconspicuously that no one at the office needs to know you are straightening your teeth.

invisalign unsichtbare Zahnspange

The advantages of Invisalign® over fixed braces are that the aligners are almost invisible and can be removed if needed, without negatively affecting treatment.

Clear Brackets

Ceramic brackets are made of high-quality materials and are almost invisible. They thus satisfy higher aesthetic standards.

CMD Köln

Do you hear a cracking sound in your jaws or pain when chewing food? This could be caused by a craniomandibular dysfunction, CMD for short. Our orthodontic team can advise and help you.

Brackets - Minibrackets - clear Brackets -Köln
Fixed Braces

Fixed braces are used to straighten crooked teeth or misaligned bites.

Braces for Kids

Some typical children’s orthodontic problems are crowding of the teeth, jaw growth problems and bad bites. We make sure your child gets the right brace for his or her problem.


When playing sports where there is a possibility of getting hit in the mouth, injuries can be avoided by wearing a specially designed sports mouthguard.

Prävention Kieferorthopäde Köln
Preventive Measures

Genetic deformities cannot be prevented. However, many problems that affect teeth, gums and jaws can be avoided through proper dental care.

Schnarchtherapie Köln
Anti-Snoring Therapy

We can provide you with a safe, simple way to stop snoring immediately. A special custom fit device works by holding the jaw down and preventing the tongue from blocking the airways, thus stopping you from snoring.

multiband Köln

Multiband / Multi-bracket treatment is the most common form of fixed braces. It is the classic treatment method for straightening or moving teeth.

invisalign unsichtbare Zahnspange für Erwachsene Köln
invisalign teen unsichtbare Zahnspange für Erwachsene Köln
invisalign unsichtbare Zahnspange für Erwachsene Köln
invisalign teen unsichtbare Zahnspange für Erwachsene Köln